The Potential Dangers Behind the Rise of “Enter-Trainers”

Written by Rebecca Turley

In recent years the trend of hiring a personal trainer has been sharply increasing. Now, the trend of the “enter-trainer” has become even more popular. Fitness instructors are quickly gaining celebrity status, but their legitimacy and authenticity may not be up to par.

This new brand of personal trainer is meant to not just instruct their clients but to motivate and inspire both in class and on social media. Apparently, it’s working. According to a survey done by Gallop, Americans are now exercising more than ever in the last seven years, largely in response to a greater number of encouraging factors coming from multiple sources – from social network “share” proponing the benefit of exercise, the now commonly used fitness app.

The downfall to the enter-trainer is that they probably don’t have a grand level of understanding when it comes to the fitness world and how to cater to the unique needs of individual clients. Because there is really no degree that a personal trainer must acquire in order to be employed, literally anyone can become a personal trainer with as little as a weekend-long course.

In many cases, these enter-trainers follow up their sessions with diet advice and may even give out answers to client injuries, which often cross the line into areas beyond their scope of expertise.

When looking for a personal trainer it is important to look for someone who will correct form and create individualized exercise plans custom-tailored for each client, rather than just the loudest voice or the trainer with the flashiest presentation.